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International Conference on Nanotechnology & Engineering

International Conference on Nanotechnology & Engineering

International Conference on Nanotechnology & Engineering is a scientific, educational, and networking meeting scheduled to be hosted in-person in Dubai, UAE during December 11-12, 2023. The material science and engineering research is undergoing a revolution, so this materials science conference aims to foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary materials science research and engineering.

Nanotechnology conference 2023 will highlight and discuss latest research on advanced materials science, green materials, smart materials, biomaterials, sustainable materials, nanomaterials and their applications. The organizing committee is compiling an exciting scientific program with plenary sessions held by internationally renowned speakers complemented by selected short talks from young scientists.

This materials science & engineering conference aims to provide networking possibilities for researchers, scientists, academicians, engineers, scholars, industrialists, policy makers and business executives to share their experience, amazing ideas and innovative research in the field of materials science and engineering to innovate new materials and its applications in development of computer chips to biomedical devices, composites and other sustainable materials. Keynote Connect will deliver a sucessfull Materials Science conference to the scientific community.